by Sue Henderson | Jul 16, 2019 | Backstory, Behind the Scenes, Best Images, Featured, In the Media
Over the coming weeks, we’re delighted to present the backstory for a series of award winning images from 2019 13th Annual Pollux Awards. I was honored to have been present for the opportunity to watch sunrise on the local beach on the Indian Ocean while...
by Sue Henderson | Jul 9, 2019 | Backstory, Behind the Scenes, Best Images, Favorites, Featured
Over the coming weeks, we’re delighted to present the backstory for a series of award winning images from 2019 13th Annual Pollux Awards. A trip to Antelope Canyon on the Navaho Indian reservation near Page, Arizona is an excellent addition to a visit to this...
by Sue Henderson | Jun 18, 2019 | Featured, Our Travels, Stories of the Road
We thought we were just going on a service project to help to clean up the Bagmati River. The Big Cleanup had been every Saturday for the previous 231 weeks moving around each week to a different section. Various challenges from a lack of infrastructure (from 20...
by Sue Henderson | Jun 11, 2019 | Featured, Our Travels, Stories of the Road
A pair of lapwings looking for breakfast We woke up in Chitwan for a big breakfast and then whisked off for the first adventure: a dugout canoe ride down the Rapti River just outside our door. The Chitwan region is not only a refuge for several endangered...
by Sue Henderson | Jun 4, 2019 | Featured, Our Travels, Stories of the Road
Wow. What a wonderful time to be in the ancient, fine city of Bhaktapur. We spent the evening watching the activities and hustle and bustle of Tihar – the festival of lights. We intentionally chose to walk in before dark making our way up...
by Sue Henderson | May 28, 2019 | Featured, Our Travels, Stories of the Road
When an elephant roars you feel the vibration all the way through its body like a small earthquake. And it begins as a low rumble before the sound makes its way out the mouth. And I wondered to myself, perhaps this type of sound is a different sort...